Dreadnought Capital, established in 2013 by like-minded professionals, is a financial services company with interests in the Republic of South Africa and continental Africa.
As with the Dreadnought-class battleships launched at the turn of the 20th century, Dreadnought Capital aims to challenge the status quo and fearlessly develop markets and products in frontier economies. We believe that in order to unlock the significant untapped potential in Africa, the development of functional and trusted financial markets and products is a critical prerequisite.
Intrepid Capital, a wholely owned subsidiary of Dreadnought Capital, is the derivatives brokerage arm of the group, and aims to leverage off the infrastructure developed by Dreadnought Capital, providing innovative access and advisory services in the various markets.
The People
Dreadnought Capital has a strong team of seasoned market professionals that have an accumulated 30 years of market experience.
The Dreadnought team has established a staff compliment with an enviable track record within the South African financial markets.
Of particular interest is that within the Dreadnought group has the previous CEO of the South African Futures Exchange (SAFEX).